Hear my prayer, God?

She’s disturbed, I can tell.
And there’s nothing I can show for it.
She wasn’t fine.
Not when hugging the toilet door with the full length of her body.
Not when she kept baring her teeth like hours earlier.

She wasn’t this way.
And I don’t want to point fingers.

I’m sorry I kinda snapped.
Sorry I walked away so quickly.
Only because I felt my eyes turn red.
The tears welling up.

I feel for her.
I do love her to bits.
While you flipped thru the news,
I was sitting cross-legged on the floor,
a half-metre from her
watching over her

I fear leaving her like I left her for a moment
when nature called and it wasn’t me
and the next moment she ran to where you were
she even flinched when I closed the bin tight
she even flinched when she spied another

something’s up
trust me
just keep an open eye.


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