Enjoy the ride!

The really short inspirational chat with Elden led to “Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride!” *LOL*

“Love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile!!” ~ Elden Master Wong … *LOL*
And remembering “One love!” always …

Life is really one big adventure. I learnt that pretty late into youth-hood.
I’m so not complaining. I was always sheltered.
While I grew up in a really quick span of time, I also had possibly the greatest adventure of my life that year – 2007 I think?
Anyhow, life continues to be unpredictable.
Yet, this unpredictability is perhaps the one that keeps life from becoming a monotony. On the contrary, it turns out to be one big adventure.
The good and the bad.
When the good happens, we look back and smile. We say “woohoo! That was amazing! I’m so happy!”
When the bad happens, we look back and smile … and probably curse and swear. Yet we still CAN say “woohooo! That was quite a ride! I’m so happy (it’s over)!”

And so, enjoy the ride! Afterall, feeeeelllll the luuurrveeee!

Murphy : Well, no matter how many times I shout your name in disdain, just know that ultimately, I still love you! *wink*


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