9th May 2018 : A Moment to Hold Dear in the History of Malaysia

9th May 2018 : A Moment to Hold Dear in the History of Malaysia

Malaysia has been home for almost a decade now. And I have never been quick to call it Home. But 9th May 2018 made tears well up in my heart, and come to my eyes. This day made all the difference.

This general election 14 has caused quite a stir, everywhere and in my heart. I was contented to be a spectator, a bystander but was stirred by the never-say-die and fervent prayerful friends. They were so hopeful, I couldn’t bear to pour cold water and dampen their spirit.

But today, I stand corrected, and proudly so. For the fervent prayers of many Malaysians have been answered. God has prevailed. I have learnt the power of prayer, the power of solidarity and that justice does prevail. And of course, that everything happens in His time. This time, He knew the Malaysians were ready.

For now, I am going to revel in the joy of the turn of the tide in this beautiful country and celebrate with my Malaysian friends.


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