In Limbo

I hate this limbo. I really do.
I just want to get out of it.
It’s so tiring.

I didn’t do shit. It’s beyond me. Too low a blow.
Neither am I as stupid. I do mean stupid. dumb.
No one really knows what’s at stake, except me and perhaps another.
Perhaps only me.
Perhaps all this only means the world to me.
I don’t see why not, for it is the world for me.

I hate this limbo.
It’s made me want to turn my back.
In fact, I was about to pick up the pieces left of me and run.
Literally take flight.

I don’t want to cling on like a leech.
Even a leech knows to let go of its ‘prey’ when it’s had its fill.

I am tired.
Tired of always living life, bearing the brunt of accusations.
Tired of giving so much and still having to bear the brunt of accusations.
Tired of all this denial.
Tired of attempting to pick up the broken pieces left in the wake of a gazillion bitches.
Tired of suffering their punishment.

I am not just any girl.
I am phy.
Who I am, my heart, my brain, no one can take from me.
And all I did was give my all.


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