
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
~ Winston Churchill

We read so many articles and quotes, just like the above one, about how it is right and good to give. And all this time I wondered about what it truly meant. Around me, I saw my friends working their asses off and even spending time with the handicapped, spending time and effort organizing events for them etc. Although I participated once in a while, I never felt like it was my “calling”. It just wasn’t innate me. On yet another perspective, my bf loves helping his friends. For me, I find that bothersome. And I have on several occasions acknowledged that I am a “taker” when it comes to friendship.

Over the past 3 weekends, I have been helping out at teambuildings for Activebugs’ clients, giving me the opportunity to spend time with some of our regular facilitators. And just yesterday I finally saw how I gave and contributed. Small as it may seem, but I love watching these young people grow. I love chucking out pieces of advice or even just my perspective. But to watch them grow and shape up as they take on larger roles, I was happy to take a back seat. It was fulfilling, just like when I was teaching in school and watched my students learn, through my teaching.

Just needed to pen this down before I forget, in the haste of the real world.




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