Day 6 of 10 of my #ThankYouNotes Challenge

10-Day #ThankYouNotes Challenge to Kill Writer's Block

10-Day #ThankYouNotes Challenge to Kill Writer's Block
I’m thankful for all the wonderful friends I have around. To me, they are family, more family than I can ask for. Makes me think about when I was told that I would never be able to find “family” outside of my own. Well, whoever said that is wrong. Over the years, I have found that there are numerous friends I can count on in times of need. These people, I can count on more than my own family. Thank you peeps.
I’m thankful for the people who see so much potential in me, who believe in me more than my own family does. I’m thankful for those who saw me, saw my yearning for learning and “invested” in me and taught me everything I know. I’m thankful for all the opportunities I have been given by these very people. I am indeed thankful. 

Finally, I am thankful that my Father in Heaven blessed me with all the above. For whatever He took away, He gave me so much more. Things aren’t always smooth-going but I’m thankful for I leave me in His hands and trust that He knows and does what is best for me. He has the best laid plans.


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