1, 2, 3, Turn Around!

At about midnight, I had a headache and I said “I have a bad headache … think it’s the Korean series’s fault!”

I must say the salesgirl did her job perfectly! And she cheated me! *lol* She told me it would be a funny show! And I ended up crying and crying for hours while I stayed glued to the TV! And like I said, the salesgirl did her job perfectly, I loved the show but it is certainly too heart-wrenching to watch over and over again like Last Scandal or Full House or Lovers in Paris.

Wedding (Please don’t ask me what it says in Chinese … it goes by me in a flash), that’s what the series is called. It isn’t much of a wedding, but more about being married. Tells the tale of 4 individuals tied in a deadly web of who likes who and who used to date who. And it all boils down to never giving up, honesty, communication and of course, wholesome love.

The story had me, right from the beginning. Could see me in it. Me, exactly me. How I used to feel. How my tears just keep falling and what’s going through my head. Sunflower. Smile. Happy. It just kept saying P.H.Y. But halfway through, I was already muttering under my breath “hiyo … you silly girl … oh goodness…” and my heart went out to her husband who tried sooooo hard to make it all work … *sigh* and to top it all off, all their mates didn’t think he loved her even when it was so painfully obvious. But then again, I am the viewer and it is a television series afterall. It probably wasn’t THAT painfully obvious if it were to happen in reality.

“Marriage is about moving from parents and riding on the same boat as your spouse and uniting in body and soul. It is moving on from the past and creating a new future together.”

Personally, I like the idea of the quote, though I would have mine like “Marriage is about moving from parents and riding on the same boat as your spouse and uniting in body and soul. It is moving on from the past and creating a new future together.”

1, 2, 3, Turn Around! And I know someone’s always got my back. =)


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1 Comment

  1. Shawn
    December 28, 2009 / 7:55 pm

    Your back will always be covered. i assured that. =)